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Pre-inspection for vehicles imported into Tanzania


There has been a new announcement from the Tanzania Bureau of Standards which indicates a new law which requires all Japanese used motor vehicles to have a inspection pre-shipment to Tanzania. Please read the official statemnt highlighted below for more information on this matter:

"The Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) would like to inform importers and sellers of used motor vehicles from Japan that as of July 20, 2022, the procedure for inspection  of imported used motor vehicles will be carried out in Japan by means of Pre-Shipment Verification of Conformity to Standards (PVoC) as opposed to the current procedure where inspection is conducted after the vehicles arrive in the country by the procedure known as Destination Inspection (DI).

Thus, all vehicles shipped from Japan from July 20, 2022, will be inspected by the agent, EAA Company Limited under PVoC procedure and all vehicles shipped prior to July 20, 2022, will be tested under the current Destination Inspection procedure. Vehicles from countries other than Japan will continue to be inspected in the country until a new procedure is issued.

The Bureau will continue to ensure that all used motor vehicles imported into the country meet the requirements of the National Standard (TZS 698: 2012) for used motor vehicles.

For more information about this new procedure, do not hesitate to contact us through the customer service number +0800110827."