Japanese Used Cars for Sale. | SBI Motor Japan

Total Cars in Stock61504

The bank account for the purchase of the car has been changed.


The bank account for the purchase of the car has been changed.

Dear customer,

We will start using virtual accounts at SMBC bank.

There will be 3 codes (ALL LETTERS) added to the current account number.


The new account number on the invoice will be [948-8713XXX].

XXX part varies by the customers' sales in charge.


  • Bank Information
    • Name of Account Holder:SBI Africa Co., Ltd.
    • Account:948-8713XXX
    • Branch Name:BAYSIDE
    • Address:1-1-2 MARUNOUCHI CHIYODA-KU TOKYO JAPAN 100-0005
    • Swift code:SMBCJPJT

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our sales staff.


SBI Motor Japan sales team.