Japanese Used Cars for Sale. | SBI Motor Japan

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Beware of Fake Invoices

Beware of Fake SBI Motor Japan

It has come to our attention that there are people impersonating SBI Motor Japan and sending a FAKE INVOICES to our customers.
At SBI Motor Japan, we always do our best to protect our customers. We would therefore ask you to counter check with one of our staff from the website before making any transaction. We also have one official bank account that is found ONLY on our website. To be able to prevent such unfortunate events from happening, we are sharing some information that we strongly recommend you to refer to whenever you detect any malicious act. Please report these scammers to relevant authorities. SBI will not be responsible for any loss or money or your car through such scams. Stay alert and don't be a victim!

Our Official Contacts

  1. Website: https://sbimotor.com/
  2. Facebook: SBI Motor Japan (https://www.facebook.com/sbimotorjapan/)
  3. Instagram: sbimotorjapan (https://www.instagram.com/sbimotorjapan/)
  4. Twitter: sbimotorjapan (https://twitter.com/sbimotorjapan)
  5. YouTube: SBI Motor Japan (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAnaGVhBaKHEJFWqEigBr8A)
  6. Email: info@sbimotor.com





Tips to Avoid Scams & Fraud

Tip 1: Before making any payment, call us or send us an email for verification
Whenever you are told that the car you want to buy belongs to SBI Motor Japan or notified of any changes of your deal, PLEASE CALL US on +81 80-7299-3269 (Mon - Fri) or SEND AN EMAIL at info@sbimotor.com to verify the changes.
SBI Motor Japan only has one type of proforma invoice, as you can see above.
Tip 2: Confirm our correct bank account details before you transfer your money
We only have 1 bank account, which you can find the details below
(Put bank account details in a format like on this page:https://sbimotor.com/about)
Tip 3: Be careful NOT share your account information to anyone
Please be mindful when you are contacting us in a public space and do NOT let other people know your login details to your account. We suggest that you change your password regularly to prevent hackers going into your account.
Tip 4: Beware of fake SBI Motor Japan website and Facebook page
Refer to "Our Official Contacts" above to check if you are looking at the real one or not. If you want to know the total price of the car, you can visit our website then send us an inquiry so our sales representative can reach out to you.
We hope this information will help you stay safe! We have taken measures on our side and we hope that you can also do the same to protect yourself!
Remember that whenever you are in doubt, you can always contact us!