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How to Wash Your Car


As well as following the service maintenance of your car, car wash regularly will keep it in a good condition too. A dirty car will cause damage or car paint and the overall condition.

Be Prepared

Car is the symbol of yourself. It brings a sense of pride and joy as the wagon for your daily or business needs. With the multifunctional purpose of your beloved car, it is essential for you to keep its appearance in the first-class condition. 
The most efficient way is by adding a layer of wax at the car's paintwork after washing and polishing. This will ensure that the dirt will not destroy your car’s paintwork as the applied wax provides a protective coating. 

Get Equipped

Introducing you an equipment checklist for washing a car professionally:

  • A good quality pressure washer.
  • Two wash mitts. 
  • Microfiber cloth.
  • Wheel brush.
  • Cleaning hand gloves.
  • Car shampoo. 
  • Pre-cleaner. 
  • Wheel cleaner.
  • Car wax.
  • Car polisher.


The Process 

Let's start by cleaning the wheels. Apply the wheel cleaner and let it soak for a while before using the pressure washer to rinse the soap away.

While waiting, apply a pre-cleaner at the car’s body to dissolve the contaminants from road or weathers such as salt, bug and tar.

Begin the car wash with two buckets. Rinse the wash mitts in the clean water before dipping it in the car shampoo mixture. Start washing a section of the car body part by part. Repeat the progress for the whole car until it is clean. Check the pressure of the washer, ensure it is at medium level and rinse the shampoo away.

Afterward, dry the whole car with the microfiber cloth. This action could remove the ground in tar spots. Once it is dry, apply the car polisher to create a shiny effect. After polishing, please remember to apply the car wax as a final protective barrier at the car’s wheels and paintwork. 

Do not wash your car engine. Simply use a dry cloth to wipe the dust away after the engine has cooled down. Trust me, the car engine is sensitive and you won’t want to mess with it.  

The Car Wash Schedule 

How often is a regular car wash? Well, that depends on how frequently you drive your car and the road and weather conditions of your country. By washing your car in a regular way, the chemical which can destroy your car paint will have lesser chances to rust it. 

If you are a frequent driver, we will recommend you to wash it for at least a week. If you rarely drive, sometimes once every two weeks or once per month will be sufficient. If you don’t have time, there are a lot of professional car wash centers for your needs. Simply visit it for great car care. 

The Benefits of a Cleaned Car

With these tips, your car could perform well on the road. If you decide to sell your car in the future, a cleaned car with perfect paintwork will get a higher market rate. You also want to ensure the interior smells good too as the price could increase significantly by the dealership.

In SBI Motor Japan, the cars that we bring to you are always in the cleanest condition. We want you to feel good while getting it in the first hand. All cars from us will go through a strict inspection through exterior and interior too. Are you considering buying a used vehicle from us? Visit the link below to start finding your dream car! 

View our car list here: https://sbimotor.com/cars