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How and When to Sell Your Car for More Value


The main goal for car owners to sell cars is to get the best price for their preloved vehicles. Car owners hope to make a profit out of it. Many factors of your used cars will impact the valuation. This includes the platform you choose to sell your car, its depreciation rate and the current market value at the certificate of entitlement. 

| What is a certificate of entitlement?  

It is a certificate of a car’s valuation based on mileage, number of previous owners and ultimately the market price. If the market value is high, the valuation of your used car will be higher. This is caused by the supply and demand of the economic sector. 

Selling your car when the market price is high is the best idea. However, this only applies when you don’t plan to buy another new or used car as this will reduce your overall profit. 

| What is the depreciation rate? 

Cars depreciate faster than you think. The rate of depreciation is also inconsistent throughout the course of 10 years. Your car loses its value once it leaves the manufacturing factory. For your information, the losing rate remains high in the first three years and only looks better starting from the fourth year. This is the reason we can’t see a lot of used cars between one to three years old in the used car market. 

The wear and tear parts of your car will come into consideration too. Higher maintenance fees in the long run will be an additional cost for you too if you don’t sell it. That is why selling your car when there is still demand for it in the market is the best option. 

Therefore, it is best for you to sell your used car starting from the 4th year onwards. Selling a vehicle between 4 to 8 years old will get you a good price if it is still in a good condition. 

| How safe are we buying used cars from SBI Motor Japan? 

Researching to buy your used car via various platforms will provide you the full insight of used car prices. However, browsing through these platforms might get you lowball offers, endless hassle to deal with various sellers especially when it is on a bidding platform. 

Purchasing your car through us removes all the troublesome progress that comes with used car buying. All cars that we buy will go through strict inspection in Japan, we also promised to deliver only the best quality of used vehicles. You only have to register and make an inquiry to the car that you are interested in. Our agent will contact you for more information and price details. You don’t even have to check from seller to seller. 

Furthermore, SBI Motor Japan will also settle all the documents needed to export the used car from Japan to your designated country. The price will be finalized in the invoice, there will be no hidden fees, we promise. To buy a used car hassle free and carefree, SBI Motor Japan is the best place to visit! 

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