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Week 2: Weekly car recommendations to buyers in Kenya



 Week 2: Weekly car recommendations to buyers in Kenya

Welcome back to this series where we will be recommending cars specifically to our Kenyan customers. In this second iteration to this series, we have a special recommendation.

BMW 320D

The BMW 320D is one BMW’s most selling sedans, and for good reason. It is one of BMW’s most reliable diesel engines. The 320D cines with a 2.0L diesel engine making 188hp and 295lb of torque.
With its outstanding 64.2 mpg, not only is the price of diesel cheap to fill up the tank, it will also last a very long time to finish the tank. Diesel engines are known for reliability and fuel saving measures
however the 320D takes this to a whole new level.


Current economic climate

One of the main reasons why as we know, the price of petrol across the world has been increasing and sadly, in Kenya it is no different. As of the time of writing this article,
Feb 28, the price of petrol in Kenya is currently 131 KES, while the price of diesel is currently 112. This is a huge difference and with the current economic climate and tensions in Russia who are one
of the largest exporters of petrol, the price of petrol is only going to go up.



The model year we will be focusing on would be the 2015 model as we feel like at the moment, it is the best year to get for its price to performance ratio. The exterior like any other modern era
BMW is very clean and aggressive headlights and it’s slick and sharp curves to further increase aerodynamics and fuel efficiency. The car comes stock with alloy wheels and a big front grill to cool the radiator.



The interior of the car is something which BMW and German manufactures in general do excellently well. The seats are very comfortable and slick looking, the infotainment system
is easily used with the wheel lever near the gear shifter. There is of course and infotainment with Bluetooth accessibility, there is also a back camera and a push start available.  

Final Thoughts

Not only is this our opinion but, on several reliable auto-magazines the 320D was rated as the best diesel cars to get, for example on the autoexpress and carbuyer.
With its stylish looks, modern interior and great fuel economy and decent buyer, this a sedan perfect for any individual wanting to make a smart purchase. Currently in SBI stock, we have a 2015 320D for sale
for as little as 13,000$ FOB. Please head on over our stock list and pick out your 320D today!