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How To Import Used Japanese Cars To Zambia - Complete Guide 2021


Import Used Japanese Cars to Zambia


Vehicles are among Zambia’s top imports. With Japan being the world's top vehicle exporter, it is a go-to option for many Zambians.


Japanese used cars for sale are a popular choice due to economic factors as well as the policies in place.


For you to import a car from Japan to Zambia, there are several considerations to make. This Japan car import guide contains a detailed look at the information you need for the import process. Read on to learn more about the regulations, duty and documentation required.


How Do You Choose the Best Car Import Partner in Japan?

Import Used Japanese Cars Zambia


The Japanese car exporter you choose will greatly determine your experience. Choosing the best partner entails going with a service provider that is keen on making the process easier. 


While it may be tempting to consider Japan auction sites, you should work with a professional company that checks several boxes such as: 

  • Reliability
  • Wide variety of vehicle models
  • Quality guarantee
  • Good customer service & support

At SBI Motor Japan, we are a leading exporter of vehicles from Japan. The units we stock are quality assessed to give you the best value. Our Japan Used Vehicle Exporters Association (JUMVEA) membership means we adhere to the highest standards. 

We have a great team that is ready to offer support throughout the import process. Moreover, we have a wide array of vehicles to choose from. 


Our stock list of used Japanese cars is the result of evaluating consumer needs. As such, we have models available from different top car makers at different price points. That way, you can choose what works best for you based on your needs.

For instance, you can find Japanese used cars under $1000 on our stock list.

How to Assess a Car Before Importing From Japan


Buying used Japanese vehicles to Zambia


Before cars can be imported into Zambia, they need to be inspected. All vehicles must undergo a quality assessment by the Japan Export Vehicle Inspection Center (JEVIC). If everything is in order, a quality assessment certificate is issued. There are also some factors you can check before selecting a vehicle. These include the year of manufacture, absence of dents/physical defects and mileage.


What Is the Age Restriction When Importing a Car to Zambia?


Japanese Used Cars For Sale Zambia


The cost of importing used Japanese cars to Zambia varies depending on several factors. Zambian car importation laws and policies base vehicle import tax on the value of the vehicle. Age doesn’t factor in this calculation. However, age determines the import duty you will be expected to pay.


What is the Car import duty in Zambia?

Zambia car import duty can range from 22,243 to over 60,000 Kwacha. This will depend on:

  • The vehicle type (SUV, sedan, hatchback)
  • Engine capacity
  • Engine combustion (spark-ignition or compression-ignition)


More information can be obtained from the ZRA.


NOTE: There is an additional carbon emission surtax in Zambia. It is added to the total import cost based on this formula:




0 - 1,500cc


1,501cc - 2,000cc


2,001cc - 3000cc 


Above 3,001cc



Source: Zambia Revenue Authority Car Import Duty Rates (2019)

Get The Best Cars & Best Service With SBI Motor Japan

At SBI Motor Japan, your experience matters to us. We go the extra mile for your satisfaction. Choose your model of choice from our comprehensive Japanese cars list and get support from our support team via phone or email. To get started, visit our website or contact us via:



Lorsharp Motors - 260 0978500102 

Mabneck Enterprise - 0976551495 or 0960323356

WhatsApp: +81 80-3426-7258